
Volunteer work has always been an integral component of Palestinian popular culture. Although the concept of volunteer work has undergone various changes, it has existed for as long as Palestinians have harvested olive trees, if not longer - back then it was referred to as "society aid".

Youths were always heavily involved in such activities, whether it was harvesting olive trees, building houses, digging wells, or similar activity. Giving them a greater sense of devotion for their heritage, and a sense of responsibility towards their communities.

In hopes of developing this sense of devotion and responsibility towards Palestine, and giving kids a chance to learn about the difficulties that their community faces, we will involve Go Palestine campers in a few voluntary service activities that they will feel proud of achieving.


Previous summer service projects have included:

  •  Working with the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions to help rebuild a home demolished by the Israeli military in Anata outside of Jerusalem. The campers met the family and celebrated with them at a ceremony when the home was complete.

  • We also worked with agricultural projects at the Tent of Nations outside of Bethlehem—a farm surrounded by settlements where volunteers from around the world assist a Palestinian family in remaining steadfast on their land.

  • Additionally campers have the opportunity to work in a refugee camp; like a previous project building a playground in the Aida refugee camp in Bethlehem.
